Sunday, July 18, 2010

Blue Toilet Water

I had two sets of coupons that somehow allowed me to get four boxes of Vanish Drop-Ins at Target for free. These are the tablets that are supposed to be placed in the toilet tank to keep things all clean and nice. I've never before possessed a Drop In or used a Drop In, but decided to give them a try after reading on the back of the box that it wouldn't harm my cat, who likes to drink out of the toilet, or my children, all of whom have thankfully quit drinking from the toilet.

A couple days ago after cleaning our bathrooms, I put one in each of the two toilets that are notorious for being left in undesirable states: the basement bathroom, aka: Christian's bathroom, and the kids' bathroom upstairs. Being simultaneously optimistic and skeptical, I was hopeful that this would solve all my toilet-cleaning problems. Time would tell.

It immediately made the water an electrifying, bright blue color and reeked of toxic bathroom cleaner.

"Perfect," I thought, "I feel like one of those middle-aged housewives from the 1980's."

I wondered if previous usage of this product was the reason why some of the old women in church have blue hair.

Emily used the upstairs bathroom first. "MOM! The toilet water is blue!"

"That's because you don't flush the toilet after you use it!" I said.

What I meant was that I chose to put a Drop In in that toilet because she doesn't always flush it. What she heard was, "Because you never flush the toilet, the water has turned that obnoxious shade of blue."

"What do I do?!" Emily asked, somewhat alarmed.

"Flush it." I advised.

"If I always remember to flush it, will the water turn back to its normal color?"

Then, realizing what she was thinking, I paused to consider my options. I should have clarified why the water was blue, but it was much more fun to just assure her, "Yes. It will return to its normal color over time if you flush it after every use."

Although I didn't see it, I imagine Christian went into his bathroom, lifted the lid, caught sight of the blue water and froze for a moment before grabbing his phone and texting me.

"can i pee in the blue toilet?"

"of course. and u can flush it too."

"k just checkin kinda scared me"

I don't know much about effectiveness of the cleaning agents in Vanish Drop Ins, but I wonder if the secret cleaning power is actually in the color. I think both my kids have experienced the Blue Shock Effect that will motivate them to actually flush the toilet every time they use it. Imagine that!

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